How to Choose Light Bulbs for Each Area of Your Home

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How to Choose Light Bulbs for Each Area of Your Home Is your home feeling dark and drab? Many of us don’t give much thought to home lighting, but choosing the best light bulbs for your home can enhance the atmosphere, save money on your electric bills, and even increase your productivity. Knowing how to choose light bulbs that work best in a given space can be challenging if you are unsure of your options. Light Bulb Performance Light bulb brightness and color can alter the appearance of the room and even impact your mood while you’re in the space. Therefore, it’s not a good idea to buy a whole case of the same light bulb and install them throughout your house. Here are a few things to consider when purchasing light bulbs for each area of your home. BrightnessLight brightness is measured in lumens, and the amount of energy it takes to produce a given lumen level is measured in watts. Standard incandescent bulbs commonly range from 40 watt bulbs, which produce 450 lumens, to 100 watt bulbs, which produce 1,600 lumens. In rooms that require higher light levels like kitchens or home offices, choose light bulbs with higher … Read More